Saturday, November 24, 2007

Epiphany/Turning Over A New Leaf

I had a humbling experience during this Thanksgiving. We visited my hubby's extended family, which we do about once every five years or so. When getting directions to the home that we would be visiting, I had a hard time listening to the twangy accent of our would-be host. Do I sound like that? I thought to myself.
Now on a side note, I know that my dh makes quite a bit more money than the owners of the home we visited. So when we arrived I was a little taken aback at what a nice home they had. Not hugh, but nice. Once inside I looked around and discovered it was all white interior and white furniture. Granted, they no longer have kids, but they do have three grandkids close to my two middle children. It was very clean. There weren't marks on the floors or clutter in the corner. Everything had a place. The kitchen was technically smaller than mine, but we probably had the same counter space and maybe the same cabinet space. Her counters were clear and her sink was empty.
When the three kids arrived they behaved as normal kids did, but they didn't yell. They never yelled. When it was time to eat, they sat at the table, ate somewhat quietly, cleaned their space and went to play. The almost 2 yr old even drank from a regular cup without spilling it. My almost 4 yr old was ecstatic because she drank out of a 'grown up' cup.
So my epiphany became clearer and clearer. My children should behave this way. My home could look this way. I can have this peace. It's up to me. I am the keeper of my home.
I'm sure that I'll need God's help. I won't be able to retrain my children without some supernatural help. So I will start my day with prayer and end my day with prayer. I'll work out all the stuff in the middle with God's help.

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