Monday, November 19, 2007

What's Your Happy?

Last night my hubby and I watched The Pursuit of Happyness. For those of you that haven't seen it I highly recommend that you do. If you have ever quit something or thought of quitting then this movie will make you think twice. The man goes through Hell and back to make a better life for him and his son. And not just a 'better' life than what they had but his goal is to become a successful stock broker with Dean Witter.
It left a big impact on me. How many times have I thought "it's just too hard" or "I can't take anymore". How many times have I felt things were hopeless? This man had to spend the night in the subway bathroom because he had no money and no place to live. He had to work twice as hard as the other interns that wanted the one job that was being offered. When life slammed into him, he pushed back. (This movie is based on a true story.)
At the end of the movie he says "This is my happy." So today I was thinking, what is my happy? I have small, daily happies. But I'm not sure what my big happy is. I believe that it would be a happy, healthy family and financial freedom. My goal is to reach financial freedom over the next two years. Over the course of those years I plan on working on making my family healthy and happy.
Today my happy is: my 9 month old laughing hysterically. Something about a baby's laugh that just makes you smile.

What's your happy?

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