Wednesday, November 14, 2007

All the balls are in the air

So I started this juggling act and I have all my balls in the air at one time. Now what? The problem I'm having is that everything is only half done. The dishes are half done, the laundry is half done, the cleaning is half done. So once again I'm standing around waiting to drop one of the balls.
I have to admit, I'm still moving forward. Probably not as fast as I could/should be. But it is forward motion. Yeah me!
My husband helped me tackle the boys' room last weekend. It is officially the boys' room as we have now moved the baby into the room with his big brother. Whoopee! Now I can actually get to my side of the bed without running into the playyard/bassinet. My hips are saved.
On another note, I decided that my blog was quickly going to become cluttered if I included every facet of my life that I'm trying to fix. So as of today, this blog is for the household stuff. The getting organized and the cleaning progress, or lack there of. Keep an eye out and I will link to my other blogs that will deal with the many other personality issues that I intend to deal with.

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