Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Turtle Can Move Faster

I got the grocery shopping done today. That's it. I got nothing else done today. Oh wait, I made breakfast and dinner.
Is that insane or what? I'm not sure where the time went, one minute I was jumping in the shower and the next thing I knew it was time to go to the grocery store so that I could be back before my oldest two got out of school. Then I had to race the clock to get through the grocery store-with my 3 yr old and infant in tow. Yeah like that was gonna happen. First it was "Mommy I want to get in the cart" then a few rows later it was "I want down". Meanwhile baby decides he is just not happy in the carrier seat any more and he wants out NOW. I then proceed to beg the preschooler to help me reach items on the bottom shelf as I try to keep the list away from the baby who insists that he has to eat the paper. All the while trying to keep my eye on the clock, double check my coupons, look for the best bargains by doing the math in my head because the 3 year old wants to use the calculator as a cell phone. "Hello, grandma? What do you want us to buy you at the grocery store?"
If it's not a cell phone then it's the babies chew toy. Don't you love the taste of plastic?
Now the rest of the house is quiet except for the laundry monster and crusty dishes calling my name to be washed. Oh and let's not forget baby and his nightly 'snack'.
Gotta go. The chaos wins the day, but I will win the war. Or at least I'll die trying.

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