Thursday, October 25, 2007

Just When You Thought . . .

So here I thought I had everything figured out and WHAM! God throws me a bone. No, not a curve ball, a bone. Things were going pretty smoothly a few weeks ago. I was finally making sense of the clutter that invades my house, i had a few extra moments to play with the kids, I had dinner figured out before 4PM. Life was good. Then the baby got sick, then i got sick. Then the laundry monster took over my house. Then the dirty dishes began to climb across my kitchen counters(I don't have a dishwasher).
I miracle happens, I have the shortest cold I've ever had. Thank you to my chiropractor. By now I'm feeling pretty crappy about my life again. Then I channel surf right to the preacher who is preaching about learning and stretching and sacrificing and how if you don't quit then you'll win the battle. If you don't give up or give in then you will win.
So now I'm ready to tackle my laundry monster, okay maybe not the whole monster just one of his minions. Perhaps I'll put a stop the march of dirty dishes across the counter top. Who knows, I may even issue a retreat. I do know that I'm evicting the spiders and demolishing their webs first thing in the morning.
I'm also going to spend more time with my preschooler. Guess I'll even watch Barney if I have to. I take that back. I'll do just about anything, but I'm drawing the line at Barney.

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