Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I have devised a plan to balance to work at home and being at home thing. It's a rather intense schedule but once I get the hang of it it should be sort of fun. It leaves plenty of play time with the kids and a little me time. But I think having time set aside to write everyday will actually be considered me time. I have to quit aimlessly surfing the net and get to gettin' as Jeff Foxworthy would say. Nothing will be accomplished if I don't put forth the effort and all of the planning in the world doesn't do any good without the action. "Faith without works is dead" I can't get the blessings if I don't do the work. As Dr.Phil would say "it ain't about you" as in I have to stop being selfish and start doing what needs to be done in order to be TRULY happy.
Perhaps I should rent "The Pursuit of Happyness" again. If you haven't seen it then it is a must for those of us that suck at motivation.
The outline of the second book is helping me to finish it. I'm still discovering things about my characters that I didn't realize were there. That may sound insane, but if you're a writer you'll get it. The story is growing more and more through each day. I am very excited. More soon. (I hope)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Moving Right Along

I sold six books on Saturday. Not bad, but not what I expected. But hey, some is better than none.
So today my three oldest are off on the first day of school. It's the VERY first day of school ever for my four year old. I'm excited and scared for her. She wants to make lots of new friends but with two older siblings and one younger one, she's hardly ever alone, even with mommy and daddy.
I'm hoping she eats. She's kinda picky, but the pre k teachers want all the kids to buy their lunch the first few days because sometimes kids will eat something just because the other kids are eating. I agree with that. My 6 year old started eating bagels and cream cheese because they had it at school one day.
So I sit on pins and needles a bit until they get off the bus at 3:00. (Only three hours to go-UGH)
I'm going to make sure they have juice and snacks ready when they get home. I hope to have most of the housework done so we can sit and chat about their day.
well off to work, while the baby's napping.